Dream like Ivan Aivazovsky
Generate paintings in style of your favorite painters or art movements
using AI
Explore moonlightai creations
Dream and generate masterpieces in different style using AI
Unlock your creative potential and turn your dreams into stunning works of art with moonlightai.

From the Past to the Future
Journey through art history from the Renaissance era to the 21st century with our AI-generated paintings. See these classic styles brought back to life with technology and discover art world!
Frequently Asked Questions
Ownership of AI-generated art is complex and subject to change, often based on the generator's terms.
Legal clarity on copyright is lacking, with a recent court ruling denying AI artwork copyright claims.
However, debate persists regarding protected elements like logos and characters. Currently, ownership decisions are primarily driven by AI generators and users.
You can use creations for commercial and non-commercial purposes.
However creations that go against our terms and CreativeML Open RAIL++-M (Use Restrictions) is not permitted.